98 Mute - Ground Zero

Priests molesting children, kids killing for fun.
Talk shows on all day now the damage is done.
We've already lost the race the scars are permanent and they can't be erased.
Can't blame the kids.
They only copy what they see.
The violent shows the only shows on TV.
The world's falling apart at the seams.
Kids are having nightmares.
When they used to have dreams.
The world's falling into decay.
Armageddon's not here yet.
But it's well on it's way.
Murder on the news, scandals everywhere.
The media devours, but does anybody care.
That we have nowhere to turn.
Our direction's been lost.
Looks like we'll never learn.
There's no teachers left.
Our heroes have fallen.
No one to look up to.
What the fuck's going on?
Too many problems not enough solutions.
Too many people causing too much pollution.
The minority decides the jury's verdict.
And they'll riot in the streets if they don't get their way.
Killer bees are coming, illiteracy increasing.
The gangs are in the suburbs and the G.N.P's decreasing.
And it's not going up, we're running out of jobs as unemployment erupts. The neighbors don't talk there's no trick or treating.
We've been fighting each other and we've all been beaten.
The world is in its last stage.
The history book's been written and we're on the last page.
The world's got 10 seconds left. 10, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.